Saturday Mornings and Naptimes...
Monday, September 17, 2018
New to Me Author-- Megan Miranda
So, I discovered an author a few months ago that I didn't know of until I read All the Missing Girls, a New York Times bestseller, which I really liked. I can't say I loved it, but I did like it a lot. Having said that, I was shelving books and ran across two other books written by the same author, Megan Miranda, and decided to read them-- which I did in a matter of four days! I know that doesn't sound like such an accomplishment, but given the amount of time I DON'T have for reading, it really is a big deal. The first of the two, The Safest Lies, was my favorite of the two. It grabbed my attention from the get-go and held it the entire time I was reading. The second one, Fracture, was a good book, it just wasn't my favorite of the three books I've read so far written by Miranda. However, I just discovered this morning while doing some research on Miranda that there is a sequel (Vengeance) to Fracture that looks to be intriguing and makes me like Fracture a little bit more. Anyway, since I've had such a hard time finding books that grab my attention (and keep it) in the last couple of years, I'm super excited to finally find an author that's done it! As I write the reviews for the books I've mentioned, I'll come back here and link to them and hopefully, I'll manage to gather her other books by that time as well.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Almost Gone
Almost Gone Twenty-Five Days and One Chance to Save Our Daughter
Baldwin, J. and Baldwin, M. (2017). Almost Gone Twenty-Five Days and One Chance to Save Our Daughter. Howard Books, Brentwood, TN.
I heard about Almost Gone from a friend who had heard about it on Kidd Craddick in the Morning on her way to work. We both work at a high school and are exposed daily to kids and their use of social media. The impact social media has on these kids lives is profound-- so profound that they don't even notice when it takes over every aspect of their every waking moment. Almost Gone is a book about that very thing, written by the people that it happened to.
Almost Gone is written by Mackenzie Baldwin and her dad, John, and chronicles their journey through a very dark and frightening period in their lives that threatened to tear their family apart. Mackenzie met and fell in love with "Aadam" on a random match site called Omegle, began following him on Facebook, and went on to Skype and Facetime over the course of 14 months. What began as a very innocent chat between two complete strangers thousands of miles apart developed into a very serious, controlling emotional and mental relationship that very nearly destroyed Mackenzie and her family. Over time, Aadam was able to worm his way into every single aspect of Mackenzie's life to the point that she abandoned the Christian faith that she was raised in and turned her back on her entire way of life. She gave up any involvement in her senior year and devoted her every waking minute to saving and planning for the day she would travel across the world to the very dangerous Kosovo, a region known for its sex slavery, kidnapping, and organized crime, to meet and marry Aadam. In an all-out effort to prevent her from going and break Aadam's hold on Mackenzie, her parents dove head-first with FBI agents into what would be the most stressful, secretive, and tentative endeavor of their lives. As a warning to others, the Baldwins detailed every aspect of their journey through the worst experience of their lives in Almost Gone.
Even though many of us, as adults, are well aware of the dangers of social media and its ability the shrink our world down to a screen and a keyboard, I think often we underestimate the power of mental and emotional control others have over our kids in spite of physical distance and in spite of our diligence in monitoring our kids. We fool ourselves into thinking that if we are careful and involved in our kids' activity on social media that they will be "safe" but this book is a very real example of just how mistaken that way of thinking can be.
Thursday, May 11, 2017

13 Reasons Why
Asher, J. (2011). 13 reasons why. New York, NY: Razorbill.
Oh, where to start...
First off, before I say anything else, let me say that I really liked this book. It was well-written, refreshingly (if that word can be applied considering the subject matter) different from any other style of writing in YA fiction at this point and it was disturbingly on-point for things that take place in high school life. Maybe not all to one girl, but then again, maybe so. But, I did like the book. I liked the story about Hannah Baker, a high school girl who seemed to be living a regular high school girl life and then unexpectedly commits suicide after interacting with 13 different individuals. Prior to her death, Hannah meticulously created a system where those 13 people would have to listen to her perspective of the roles they each played in her life and ultimately, her decision to take her own life. The way Asher intricately welded each of these people together through Hannah was intriguing, giving the reader--both adult and young adult-- a whole lot to think about.
BUT. I can't really recommend this book without addressing the elephant in the room. Netflix. I haven't watched the series and odds are, I probably won't. I have talked to many who have watched it, though. I don't like when producers and directors take creative liberties with subject matter like this under the guise of calling attention to the seriousness of such subjects as suicide. Let's be real. It's all about the dollar for them. I don't believe for a second that the writers and Selena created this series as a type of therapy (I watched an interview with Selena Gomez, one of the producers, where she went on about how it's important to talk about these things with kids as if she's an expert on kids. Who knows, maybe she is since she isn't so far from being one herself.) Having ranted about that, I think it's careless to use sensationalism as "therapy." The series sensationalized Hannah's death and to what extent? Not therapy, I must say. In conversation with some of my students who had not read the book, I found that they were completely surprised that the ACT of Hannah's death was minimalized in the book and NOTHING like what they experienced with the series. That changed their entire outlook on the story. In my humble opinion, the book was a way of revealing how others' actions affect the feelings and lives of others. It could be used as a way for someone who is struggling to see how final Hannah's actions were and that through the eyes of Clay, the one character of the 13 who Hannah didn't blame but included so that he could see that he was something good in her misery, readers can see that there are people who care that they could reach out to. This book could be used in so many ways. I'm not sure I would say that about the series and since our readers are digital natives and all about Netflix, I'm sad to say, most who have watched the series will never read the book. They've been slighted, I think.
All in all, I liked the book. I think the subject matter is very real and is dealt with appropriately for high school students. But I'm not an expert either, am I? Maybe season two of the series will tank.
Girl Underwater
Girl Underwater
Kells, C. (2015). Girl underwater. New York, NY: Dutton.
Girl Underwater was recommended to me by one of my dual credit students who absolutely loved it. My first impression and an opinion I still hold but doesn't necessarily influence my overall reaction to the book is that in setting up the story, Kells leaves some holes and gaps that aren't explained anywhere in the story. After I got past that, however, I enjoyed the story about Avery Delacorte, a college swimmer whose plane goes down in a remote part of the Rocky Mountains. While hoping against hope for rescue, Avery, swim team mate Colin Shea and three little boys find themselves faced with the danger of drowning, freezing to death, starvation, and bear attacks as well various medical issues in the Rockies. Throughout this tale of survival, the reader is given crossover glimpses into Avery's life after the crash where she is forced to deal with PTSD and her re-entry into what is her new reality. Girl Underwater was an easy, uncomplicated read that was wrapped up into a neat little package leaving the reader with a feeling of finality. Overall, I enjoyed the book but wouldn't consider it one I would hang onto for multiple reads. BUT, having said that, I would definitely recommend it to patrons based on the reaction of my student.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Bone Gap-- my newest favorite YA book!!

Bone Gap
Ruby, L. (2016). Bone gap. New York, NY: Balzer + Bray.
I have to say, Bone Gap is one of my latest favorite books! It's been out a while, but since I've been working on my master's degree, if it isn't part of a required assignment, I'm probably not going to read it. (Insert crying emoji here). But something about this book called to me and I felt compelled to read it back during the summer. I. LOVED. IT!! In a time when YA books often tend to seem like copies of one another, Bone Gap is fresh and unique. The characters are all carrying different baggage- Sean is burdened with caring for his odd younger brother, Finn, who is a dreamer and just "different" in a way most people can't put their finger on. Roza is the woman who just appears and seamlessly fills in the gap that Sean and Finn's mother left in their lives right up until she mysteriously disappears. Petey is the daughter of a single mom/beekeeper and the girl no one notices because she is not pretty but who possesses an inner strength that so few have as well as a knack for working with the bees. Even Petey's mom, a minor character, is interesting and adds depth to the story.
Bone Gap is a heartfelt, intriguing tale of mystery, fantasy, and realism all woven together to create a story that leaves you thinking about it long after it's over. When Roza appears at the O'Sullivan brother's house out of nowhere one day, she weaves her way into their hearts, then, just as suddenly, she disappears and only Finn is witness to her disappearance. No one takes Finn seriously because he has always been a dreamer who's head is elsewhere most of the time, so he makes it his mission to prove to everyone by solving the mystery that he isn't as flighty as they all believe him to be. Love plays a major role in Bone Gap as well-- true, unconditional love that touches you to the core and makes you believe that in a world where people are often hardened and cynical, that there really is such a thing.
I think for anyone who as ever felt left out or different for any reason, Bone Gap is a terrific story to read and even if you haven't experienced those things, it is just simply a wonderfully captivating story. Also, for some interesting backstory from the author herself, go on over to The Nerdy Book Club where Ms. Ruby talks about herself as an adolescent and how that played a role in the development of character in Bone Gap.
Friday, March 20, 2015
He Forgot to Say Goodbye
He Forgot to Say Goodbye
Saenz, B.
(2008). He forgot to say goodbye. New
York: Simon & Schuster for Kids.
He Forgot to Say Goodbye is a very
believable contemporary fiction novel about two very different boys. Ramiro “Ram” Lopez and Jake Upthegrove are
complete opposites: Ram is a stereotypical Hispanic boy, poor, struggling,
having to take on adult emotional responsibilities and Jake is a stereotypical
rich white boy, spoiled, disrespectful, and entitled. Only, they share one thing in common, the one
thing that has shaped who they are up to this point, and that one thing is
being abandoned by their fathers at a time when little boys need their dads the
most. The two boys, who go to school
next door to one another, Ram at a public school and Jake at a posh private
school, meet and become friends and over time, together, figure out that having
a loser dad doesn’t mean they have to be losers as well, and that you just can’t
help who your family is (Ram has a troubled brother and Jake has an alcoholic
mother who’s married to a his cheating step-dad), but you can help who you are. Written in a back-and-forth style, He Forgot to Say Goodbye is an example
of the growth of the two boys, both emotionally and socially, which makes the
novel very identifiable to upper middle to high school readers.
The Juvie Three
The Juvie Three
Korman, G.
(2008). The juvie three. New York:
Hyperion Books.
Terence, and Arjay are all troubled young men who are headed down the wrong
path quickly. All three of the boys have
found themselves in juvenile detention or in Arjay’s case, prison, when a man
named Doug Healy comes along with a plan to reform them. Things don’t start off so smoothly and then
go really wrong when Mr. Healy falls off the fire escape trying to break up a
fight between the three boys. The boys
drop off an unconscious, bleeding Mr. Healy at the local hospital but then begin
to lead a model life in his absence- well, all except Terence, but even he is
good for Terence, only angering the school theft-ring lord. While Mr. Healy is not only without his
memory, he is also without ID, making him a John Doe. Along with Gecko’s rich girlfriend, Roxie,
the three hatch a very successful plan to spring Mr. Healy from the awful
psychiatric hospital where he’s been transferred and long story short, events
that transpire during this escape, Roxie’s pocket-policeman and Terence’s
theft-ring-king all making appearances, prompt Mr. Healy’s memory and save the day.
The Juvie Three is appropriate for 7th
through 12th grades and qualifies as a good contemporary fiction
novel with the boys growth toward adulthood and it also meets each of the
levels of Havighurst’s developmental tasks. This novel would be an excellent choice for a middle school book talk for boys.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
T. (2010). The strange case of origami
yoda. New York: Amulet Books.
In this cute
book about a sixth-grade boy named Dwight, who uses an origami puppet named Yoda
as a mouthpiece for giving others advice, readers are able to witness typical
middle school behavior when the boys decide to collect different cases for the
likelihood that Yoda does or does not really exist as Dwight says he does. Tommy, the boy who instigated the investigation,
is interested in a girl and wants to know if he can rely on Yoda to steer him
in the right direction. This is a great
book for upper elementary students through middle grades because readers,
especially boys, are able to identify with each of the characters, even Dwight,
because, let’s face it, all middle school kids are a little odd; they can’t
help it. Tommy is nervous about asking a
girl out but summons the courage to do so and Dwight has a hard time talking to
people but eventually starts to overcome that and I think because of the social
and emotional developmental stages for middle school readers, this book is
right on target for them. I would like
to see this book used in a middle school art class as a lead-in to origami and
of course, the sequel, Darth Paper Strikes Back is an excellent book to follow.
Pretty Dead
Pretty Dead
Block, F.
(2009). Pretty dead. New York: Harper
Charlotte is
a vampire living a lonely, idealistic human life, only she knows things are
changing and she finds herself welcoming that.
When Charlotte’s best friend, Emily who had been raped and was depressed,
supposedly commits suicide, Charlotte grieves the loss with Emily’s boyfriend,
Jared, and finds herself falling in love with him. Charlotte eventually finds out that the evil,
possessive William, her maker, forced her to turn Emily into a vampire and has
to defend Jared against them. While
reading Pretty Dead I couldn’t help but
notice the simple vocabulary and short, easy to read sentences which, while
they bored me, would make this novel a great choice for a struggling female
reader and because of much of the subject matter, preferably one in high school. Some aspects of the book that make it either “good”
or “not so good” according to the qualities listed are things like specific
references to designer names like Yves Saint Laurent and the closet full of “red-soled
shoes” which eventually go out of style and are not really relevant to most of
the intended audience anyway, but at the same time the use of figurative
language helps beef up the simplicity of the novel. While I realize many of the fashion references
are intended to establish Charlotte’s “age”, many readers won’t be able to
identify with them. I must say, though, that I love the cover!
Everybody Sees Ants
Everybody Sees Ants
King, A.S.
(2011). Everybody sees ants. New
York: Little, Brown.
Lucky is an
ironically named young man who finds himself at the end of his proverbial rope
due to the bullying he’s been the victim of for years at the hands of a boy
named Nadar, with no relief. Lucky’s parents
are ill-equipped to help him because they are dealing with struggles of their
own (his dad’s refusal to deal with his own father’s disappearance during the
Vietnam War and his mother’s refusal to deal with their subsequent troubled
marriage) and they just do not know how
to help him so they basically just tell him to suck it up until it’s better. As a method of escape, a very common theme in
the novel, Lucky begins to dream of going to find his grandfather and also
begins seeing the message-bearing ants.
After Lucky and his mother go to Arizona to visit even more dysfunctional
family members, he meets someone who helps him gain the courage to stand up for
himself when others can’t or won’t. Because
the reader must be able to suspend their belief in reality in order to fully
appreciate this novel, Everybody Sees
Ants would only be a good fit for readers who have reached that point in
their mental development.
Crutcher, C.
(2007). Deadline. New York:
Greenwillow Books.
Deadline, a modern fiction novel about a boy named Ben Wolf, is a mix of “Friday
Night Lights”, The Fault in Our Stars, and
The Chocolate Wars. Ben, having gone to his family doctor for his
cross country physical has discovered that he has a rare blood disease that will
kill him within the year. Choosing to
forego treatment, Ben proceeds to “live like he is dying” without telling
anyone he is sick, and as one of the smallest guys at school, tries out for the
football team and not only makes it, but excels. He brazenly pursues the girl of his dreams,
Dallas Suzuki, and gets her. And he
begins to question his teachers with reckless abandon much to their chagrin—he becomes
that kid teachers hate to see coming. But,
keeping his illness a secret is much harder than Ben thought it would be. With a dysfunctional family, a girlfriend
with heart-breaking secrets of her own, and a boss who is hiding a monstrous
mental/legal issue himself, Ben feels the weight and guilt of the knowledge
that he is dying in secret. This novel
is chock full of issues that young adult readers face today from abuse, mental
illness, terminal illness, guilt, bullying, and just plain pressure of everyday
life, so it is valid based not only on all the levels of Havighurst’s theory of
development, but qualifies for almost every aspect of what makes a book good
for young adults. I would recommend this
novel for high school readers based on the complexity of most of the emotional
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Resistance Book 1
Resistance, Book 1
C. (2010). Resistance Book 1. New
York: First Second.
Paul Tessier,
whose father is a German prisoner of war, lives in what has been until now,
peaceful, southern occupied France where he, his mother and siblings, run a
hotel until the Germans commandeer it for their own use. After this happens, Paul’s best friend, Henri’s
parents, who are Jewish, are missing and Henri is forced to go into
hiding. Already angry and rebellious
toward the Germans and their occupation, Paul, who loves to draw and has
already been posting anti-Nazi posters, and his sister, Marie, decide to join
the French Resistance in order to smuggle Henri to safety. The children are successful in their mission
and Henri is reunited with his parents in Paris. Written and illustrated as a graphic novel, Resistance, as is the case with many
graphic novels, presents valuable information in a format that is excellent to
use with struggling and/or reluctant readers.
This particular novel, however, includes factual information about World
War II, both before the story begins as well as in the back of the book that
helps establish to the reader that the information is based on true and
accurate facts. This novel would be
great to use with lower high school students in a World History lesson. Further reading could include Defiance and Victory, the other two books in the trilogy.
Meyers, W.D.
(1999). Monster. New York: Harper.
Monster is the story of a 16-year-old,
black, male named Steve Harmon who is accused and on trial for the robbery of a
local pharmacy and the subsequent death of its owner. Interestingly written in
the style that would read like a script for a reality show, by Steve, and
including pages from his own personal journal which he writes as a means to
endure the terror and overwhelming desperation he feels about being in jail, Monster gives the reader an in-depth
view into not only what Steve is experiencing from the viewers’ standpoint, but
a close-up of his inner conflicts as well.
We are able to witness his most intimate fears and concerns as he is “turned
over” by some of the other participants to the crime and then eventually is
able to establish that he was not involved.
An interesting twist at what should be a happy ending is achieved when
we see that Steve, because of this emotionally charged journey he has just
experienced, has, along with others, begun to question who he is. He has begun to question his thoughts and
decisions and how his parents and others see him as a person.
With a plot
that reads like something from the newspaper, Monster is easily related to with its very real characters and raw
emotions and would be an excellent choice for a high school humanities class to
use with all its open-ended issues.
It's Perfectly Normal
It’s Perfectly Normal
Harris, R.
(2009). It’s perfectly normal. Boston,
MA: Candlewick Press.
It’s Perfectly Normal is an informational
book that addresses the aspects of adolescents’ changing bodies and explains
everything from puberty, sexual health, sexual identity to STD’s, pregnancy,
and the responsibilities attached to the choices regarding sexual aspects of
their bodies. Set up in a very
easy-to-use, easy to understand format including definitions, cartoon
illustrations, and sectioned according to topic. Because the average readers’ bodies begin
changing somewhere in the middle grades (5th, 6th, maybe
7th grades), this book would be appropriate to have in a middle
school library and would be beneficial in a health classroom as well. Parents could also find this book to be of
benefit when explaining the topic of sexual health to their children and the
uncomfortable parent could certainly find it to be beneficial. In addition, because there are late bloomers
and those who have only learned what they have managed to pick up along the
way, I also believe It’s Perfectly Normal
should be included in a high school library collection.
Looking for Alaska
Looking for Alaska
Green, J.
(2005). Looking for Alaska. New York:
Looking for Alaska is a modern fiction
novel about a teenaged boy named Miles Halter who, bored and unhappy with his
life in Florida decides to move to Alabama to go to the same prep school his
father did in an attempt at self-discovery.
Once there, Miles makes friends with some very colorful characters who
add elements to his life that he has yet to encounter. Included in those friends are the beautiful,
just-out-of-control, Alaska who Miles falls in love with only to lose one night
in a car accident. After her death,
Miles and friends struggle with the guilt of allowing Alaska to drive when she
was drunk and upset, not knowing if she committed suicide or if her death was
due to drunk driving. Throughout his
journey to discover the truth about Alaska’s death, readers get a glimpse of
the natural progression of Miles’ character development. Because we get to hear the story from Miles’
point-of-view, we are able to connect with his character more effectively, a
crucial quality in realistic fiction.
Last, but not least, the topics of suicide and drunk driving are major issues in schools today and something that must be talked about and dealt
with, and the fact that Green deals with both of them in this novel makes it a
great read for 9th through 12th grades.
The Tequila Worm
The Tequila Worm
Canales, V.
(2005). The tequila worm. New York:
Wendy Lamb Books/Random House.
The Tequila Worm is a realistic modern
fiction novel about a Catholic, Hispanic girl whose desire it is to excel in
academics so that she can rise above her stereotypical station in life. Sofia, growing up in McAllen, Texas, works so
hard that she earns a scholarship to a top-notch school in Austin but struggles
with the decision to go because it not only means leaving her family, but her
heritage and community as well, to immerse herself into a predominately
well-to-do white culture. Sofia,
however, makes the decision to go, and carries her values and culture with her,
working hard to integrate her new life with her old one. Sofia
faces struggles and tragedies on her journey, like being picked on by other
kids and losing her father to cancer, but overcomes them and allows them to
help shape who she becomes as an adult.
I think
students of all ages could enjoy the book, but I believe students growing up
and going to school in mixed cultures could truly understand the emotional
struggles that are present. Also, one of
the qualifications that make this book good to use with students is the fact that
The Tequila Worm is realistic in the
developmental tasks that Sofia is experiencing so readers can identify with
Janis Joplin: Rise Up Singing
Janis Joplin: Rise Up Singing
Angel, A.
(2010). Janis Joplin: rise up singing. New
York: Amulet.
Joplin, as told in this unbiased, accurate biography based on interviews and
accounts, pictures and stories provided by family and friends, was a tormented
girl growing up in the 50’s and 60’s. As
the book ranges from her childhood, throughout her career and eventually to her
death at the age of 27 in 1970, we get first-hand accounts of the struggles she
faced as a free-spirited child growing up in the straight-laced 50’s where she
began to withdraw from mainstream society and pour herself into her art and
music. This path led her to find other,
like-minded people with the same interests as herself, but it also caused her
to delve into the world of drugs, something that no matter how hard she tried,
kept its grasp on her until it led to her death of an overdose, but not before
she produced music the world had not heard the likes of at that point including
her last album, “Pearl”. The book does a
great job of including ephemera from her very colorful life, something that
students often are fascinated by, even if they do not enjoy reading. Janis
Joplin is a great book for upper middle grades on through high school in so
many ways. The emotional struggle of not
fitting in is a strong example of its validity as well as the indicators for
being a good quality biography.
L.H. (1999). Speak. New York:
Sordino, raped at a party by a popular jock from school, begins her freshman
year as an outcast because she had the courage to call the police when the rape
first took place. Because of the
backlash she experiences for speaking out, Melinda, who has lost even her best
friend, retreats into herself to the point that she does not even speak
much. However, she has one place where
she feels peace and that is in her art class where she is able to work through
the trauma of not only being raped, but how she has been treated because of it. When Melinda’s former best friend begins
dating Andy, the boy who raped her, Melinda summons the courage to speak out
against him only to incur further abuse from him. When he corners Melinda in the janitor’s
closet, she reaches an emotional and mental breakthrough and fights back,
drawing the attention of others and is defended, finally, by Andy’s peers and
others see him for what he really is, allowing Melinda the emotional freedom to
talk about the rape with her art teacher—the first step toward healing for her.
I believe
mature upper middle grade students on up through high school can appreciate Speak for its emotional content as well
as its real-life, real-world conflicts.
While not every girl will be raped, many will and it is important for all
of them to be able to identify, even if it is through vicarious experience.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Alexie, S.
(2007). The absolutely true diary of a
part-time indian. New York: Little Brown.
In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian, Arnold (Junior) is a young Native-American boy growing up on a
Spokane Indian reservation. In this
coming-of-age novel, Arnold realizes that life as he knows it on the
reservation is not the way it should be, and makes a conscious decision to
change his stars by transferring to a nearby, all-white school. He is then ostracized by his friends living
on the reservation, including his best friend Rowdy, as well as the white kids
at his new school. Arnold is also faced
with multiple other personal conflicts and struggles like the death of family
members due to alcohol, his parents’ own alcoholism, his own medical issues,
bullying, stereotyping, racism, and poverty, not to mention the normal, natural
development teens go through. In spite
of all that, Arnold maintains his determination to change his life and begins
to realize that just because things are the way they are, doesn’t mean he has
to maintain the cycle—especially since it isn’t right for him. Ultimately, Arnold begins to come into his
own as a budding adult and he does so with humor and grace.
Because of
the themes and conflicts involved, this book lends itself especially to boys and
could easily be enjoyed by those from middle grades on up due to the emotional
development as outlined by Havighurst.
The Knife of Never Letting Go
The Knife of Never Letting Go
Ness, P.
(2008). The knife of never letting go. Massachusetts:
Candlewick press.
With its
interesting character dialog, vocabulary and dialog, The Knife of Never Letting Go, book
one of the Chaos Walking series, brings readers 13 year old Todd Hewitt who, at
the age of 14 should become a man because in Prentisstown, that’s just the way
it is. In a town where no one’s thoughts
are private and people’s thoughts are scrutinized, Todd exhibits typical adolescent
feelings of resentment and frustration, especially once he discovers the pocket
of silence in the swamp where thoughts are private and then eventually that
there is more to the world than what he has always been taught. When his guardians, Ben and Cillian, realize
Todd has made this discovery, they become frightened for his safety and encourage
him to escape. Todd also meets a girl
named Viola, and girls are something else Todd has not ever encountered. As the two embark on their journey, they are
constantly faced with obstacles all while being pursued by an “army” from
Prentisstown. Because the book ends with
Todd trying to save Viola’s life after Mr. Prentiss shoots her readers will
want to read book two in the series.
Because of Todd’s developmental stage, readers from middle grades on up
can easily identify with his character, but a more reluctant reader may shy
away from the number of pages this book has.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Yancey, R. (2010).
Monstrumologist. New York: Simon
& Schuster.
Monstrumologist was my first exposure to
Rick Yancey and I’ve been hooked ever since!
Will Henry is a poor orphan who has been taken in and apprenticed to Dr.
Warthrop, who has a bit of a monstrous
personality which we see in his maniacal tangents when he’s in the midst of his
research. Often abused by the doctor by
today’s standards, Will is ever-faithful to him anyway and does his bidding, no
matter how terrifying or dangerous, without question. When Will finds himself knee-deep in a
monster-hunt for a pack of man-made monsters who have begun terrorizing the
area where he and the doctor live. Will
eventually finds himself on the monster-hunt to end all when he has to go to
what seems to be the middle of the Earth to find the monster’s nest and kill
them. Being a little claustrophobic, I
found myself urging Will to get the heck out of dodge! Gothic fiction is usually not my cup of tea,
but I found myself obsessed with this book—it’s THAT good!! Junior high
students on up to adults will enjoy this book as long as they can suspend their
ties to reality, and Yancey went on to write an entire series based on Will and
his life (which I look forward to reading) as well as many of the other characters
introduced in book one. Also, the Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
series is very similar to this book.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Annie on My Mind
Annie on My Mind
Garden, N.
(1982). Annie on my mind. New York:
Farrar Straus Giroux.
starters, Annie on My Mind is a very
difficult book to locate. Whether this
is because it is a controversial novel, especially for the time it was written,
or because it was written so long ago, I had a difficult time getting my hands
on it. Having said that, Annie, somewhat ahead of its time, is about two girls, Liza Winthrop and Annie
Kenyon, who meet at the Metropolitan Museum in New York and find themselves
drawn to one another and ultimately get caught together, and reported to Liza's school board, while
pet-sitting for a gay teacher/couple.
In the meantime, Liza confesses her homosexuality to her parents while
at the same time defending herself at her private school for not tattling on a
classmate after she witnesses something that is against the rules. Ultimately, the girls have the freedom to
express themselves but the reader doesn’t know if they find their
happily-ever-after. Because Annie deals with such an emotionally
charged social issue, I think the book would be appropriate for upper middle
and high school students. As a
contemporary fiction novel, I feel that students today, especially those who
share some of the same conflicting issues such as sexual identity, can easily
identify with the novel, in spite of the fact that it’s an older book.
Stiefvater, M. (2009). Shiver.
New York: Scholastic.
Shiver, along the
lines of Twilight, is a romantic
fantasy about a girl, Grace, who falls in love with a boy named Sam who is a
werewolf. Attacked at the age of 11 by a
pack of wolves, Grace was saved by a white wolf with yellow eyes, who she later
meets in boy-form as Sam after he is shot when another young man, Jack, is
assumed to be killed by the same wolves and then later becomes a wolf
himself. For whatever reason, Grace, who is
not able to “turn”, but is immune to wolf-bites, is caught in between the
worlds of her human friends and her love for Sam. In an effort to find a “cure” for Sam, Grace
and others who are also caught up in the supernatural phenomenon experiment on Jack
and Sam. When Sam runs off and Grace
doesn’t see him for some time, she assumes he is dead, only to discover not
only is he alive, but he is alive in human form at the time of year when he is
normally firmly a wolf. Shiver is a typical love story with the
usual plot twists and turns and is appealing to most teenage girls. The
characters are believable with the exception of those that change and there are
multiple other aspects that make this modern fantasy “believable”. Naturally, Linger, would be an excellent follow-up.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Shelf Life: Stories By the Book
Shelf Life: Stories By the Book
Paulsen, G. (2003) Shelf
life. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Shelf Life is a
compilation of short stories ranging from science fiction to historical
fiction, written by a collection of well-known authors, and published in one
book by another well-known author, Gary Paulsen. Paulsen published this collection of stories
to benefit the charitable reading organization, ProLiteracy Worldwide. In his introduction, Paulsen details how and
when books became such an important aspect of his life and how that prompted
the need for him to write. All of the
short stories, in spite of having very different elements, shares one thing in
common and that commonality is a book.
Each story contains characters who have either experienced a traumatic
event or some type of developmental struggle, from Katie’s father suddenly
dying at the age of 41, Georgie’s grandmother being diagnosed with cancer while
she is living on Mars, to Henrietta’s father being held prisoner on suspicion of
being a spy, to Jolene and Karly having a typical girl spat, and each of the
major characters finds resolution or experiences a shift because of a book—a different
book for each story with each book used in a different way. Also included in Shelf Life are short snippets about each author which include other
titles by the authors as well as awards they have won. Because the stories are so varied and the
vocabulary is very basic, readers from middle grades on up to grad students J can enjoy and learn
from this book.
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